There are plenty of little squares, parks and hidden spots around Dilsen-Stokkem that are just perfect for relaxing. Most of the resting
spots are dotted along a cycling or walking route so you can catch your breath and rest a
while! Here are some special and unique spots just for you:
- OLV-Rust te Elen, Zonnestraat z/n, 3650 Elen
- Viewpoint in the Bergerven nature reserve in Rotem, Kapel van de Weerstand z/n, 3650 Rotem
- Bridge master’s house historical Tivoli site in Lanklaar, Brugwachterskade 1, 3650 Lanklaar
- Bridge master’s statue historical Tivoli sitein Lanklaar, Brugwachterskade 1, 3650 Lanklaar
- De Wal langs de Stadsgraaf, Senator G. Ruttenstraat, Wal z/n, 3650 Stokkem
- Picnic by the Oude Maas in Dilsen, Vissersstraat z/n, 3650 Dilsen
- Viewpoint Boyen-Bichterweerd in Stokkem, langs de Boyerweg, 3650 Stokkem
- Mariapark Toren in Oud Dilsen, Oude Kerkstraat 53, 3650 Dilsen
- Negenoord observation tower in Stokkem, Negenoordlaan 2, 3650 Dilsen-Stokkem